LA Bartenders have been holding a month of art exhibitions. To bring the mini festival to an end they have invited us to exhibit for the final week.

We've brought together two leading Scottish graffiti artists to create artwork over the week. Rekor and Lyken are both talented artists, they are creative in their mark making and have a flair for colour choice. Within their gallery work they have both started to abstract letterforms and to layer paint and textures. Their work should compliment each other well.

They are hanging a series of varied sized canvases on one wall. By painting one large piece across the whole wall they will then create smaller pieces that can be lifted off as individual paintings in their own right.

Come down on Monday 19th April 6-10pm to watch the guys set up and start to paint the piece. The finished work will then be open to the public for viewing and sale on Thursday the 22nd of April between 6 and 10pm.

Also on Thursday, some of the artwork will be put into the auction that will take place at 8.30pm alongside work from other galleries that have been exhibiting over the month.

LA Bartenders, Unit 2, 44 Houston Street, Glasgow, G5 8RS.